方形利是封套裝 E【動物水果】一套6款 #新年CNY紅包滿月百日宴小童生日派對
Square Red Pocket Set E【Animals & Fruits】6 designs/set

Qty : 30 $ 38.00
平均一件 $ 1.27

詳細介紹 Description

尺寸 / Size:9 x 9 厘米/cm

數量 / Qty:30個 (6款圖案) / 30pcs (6 Designs)

物料/Material:光粉紙 / Art Paper

注意事項 Care and Warning:

請把包裝袋放置於遠離孩童處,避免發生窒息危險。 Keep bag away from children to avoid danger of suffocation.

須存放於陰涼乾爽處,遠離火源。Keep in a cool, dry place. Keep away from fire.

這裡顯示的僅供參考,會與真實產品及包裝有差異,請閱讀真實產品包裝中的所有信息為準。Here shown just for reference only, please read all information and instructions on real product packaging.

尺寸 / Size:9 x 9 厘米/cm

數量 / Qty:30個 (6款圖案) / 30pcs (6 Designs)

物料/Material:光粉紙 / Art Paper

注意事項 Care and Warning:

請把包裝袋放置於遠離孩童處,避免發生窒息危險。 Keep bag away from children to avoid danger of suffocation.

須存放於陰涼乾爽處,遠離火源。Keep in a cool, dry place. Keep away from fire.

這裡顯示的僅供參考,會與真實產品及包裝有差異,請閱讀真實產品包裝中的所有信息為準。Here shown just for reference only, please read all information and instructions on real product packaging.

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